Tag Archives: Injunction
How an Injunction May Cause Deportation
Domestic violence is a serious offense. If your spouse or someone else in your family files an injunction against you the repercussions can be catastrophic. If you are an immigrant, your ability to continue living in the United States may be in jeopardy. Abusing the Freedom of the U.S.A. In the United States we… Read More »
The Three Types of Injunctions
Injunctions are court-ordered legal tools used to stop an act or behavior, or they can be used to direct a person to take a particular action. One of the most common injunctions is used in domestic violence situations, also referred to as a restraining order. There are actually three main types of injunctions that… Read More »
5 Ways an Injunction Against You Can Affect Your Work Life
If you have had an injunction successfully filed against you, it can have serious impacts on all aspects of your life, including for whom and where you can work. Temporary injunctions, also known as restraining orders, also place legal limitations on your activities. There are other potential impacts which may directly result from having… Read More »
What Is a Legal Injunction?
You often hear the term “injunction” used to describe proceedings in a legal case, but many people are unsure what exactly this means. A legal injunction in simple terms is a court order that requires a person or entity to continue or cease a certain action. The most common legal injunction that is used… Read More »