Monthly Archives: April 2019

Why States are Considering Stiffer Penalties for Distracted Driving
Distracted driving accounts for thousands of accidents every year and, as Florida has one of the highest rates for accidents, it stands to reason to crack-down on distracted driving. In Florida currently, texting and driving is a secondary offense. This means that if you are texting while driving, you cannot be pulled over for… Read More »

Staying Safe on Interstate 4: The Most Dangerous Highway in the Country
Florida is one of the top states for vehicular accidents. It stands to reason that our state would have that status. The year-round pleasant temperatures, flocks of tourists, motorcyclists, and dense population always on the move contribute to the high numbers of accidents. However, Florida’s Interstate 4 is also the most dangerous highway in… Read More »

2 Important Changes to the Real Estate Code of Ethics in 2019
Following a code of ethics is important for every profession. Whether you are in medicine, law, teaching or real estate, ethical behavior is critical. From time to time, the code may need to be changed or amended to reflect changes in the profession. This year, important changes were made to the Real Estate Code… Read More »

Florida’s Move-Over Law: What It Requires and Why
Every year across the country, highway workers, law enforcement officers and first responders are hit by a vehicle as they are working. Like many states, Florida has implemented a Move-Over Law to help protect these workers and keep them safe. This law is important for drivers as well as those the law is meant… Read More »

Teachers and Social Media: Drawing the Line
Modern technology has made it simple to communicate with others in ways unimagined decades ago. Social media allows people to connect on various platforms, both private and public. This ease of access for adults and children also has its dangers. Teachers and social media have been in the news lately, and it isn’t a… Read More »

Back Seat Seatbelts: Not a Florida Requirement
We have many freedoms in the United States. There are an unlimited number of things we are allowed to do. Most of us realize that just because we can do a thing, it doesn’t mean it is good for us to do it. Such is the case when it comes to adults wearing back… Read More »

Can a Cell Transplant Help Spine Injury Victims?
Sustaining a spine injury usually results in a major change in an individual’s life. The impact can be anywhere from mild to fatal depending on the severity of the injury. Individuals who live through such a traumatic event face major challenges on their road to recovery. They also face the fact that recovery may… Read More »

New Brain Injury Detection Device Can Hasten Help
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the nation’s major causes of death and disability. Nearly a third of injury deaths are attributed to TBI. Survivors of such a traumatic brain injury can be left with devastating disabilities. The effects are not limited to… Read More »

Florida’s Car Insurance Rates are the Third Highest
Driving a car in Florida does not come cheap. At an average of $2,050 per year according to, Florida’s car insurance is well above the national average of $1,365. Michigan is the highest at nearly $200 more than Florida, and Louisiana has the second spot, just over $75 more. So, what are Floridians… Read More »