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Understanding What “No-Fault Insurance” Really Means

Understanding What No-Fault Insurance Really Means

Florida is a “no-fault insurance” state, meaning that when there is a car accident, the involved parties contact their auto insurance providers to make claims, rather than contacting the insurance company of the party at fault. This is why all Florida drivers must carry personal injury protection, or PIP.

Why No-Fault Insurance?

There is actually a simple reason why some states choose to have no-fault insurance laws. When an individual is involved in a car accident and another driver is at fault, it can take a long time to get compensation for losses. Insurance companies are businesses that do not like to pay out if they can avoid it. When they must pay, they will try to pay the smallest amount possible.

No-fault insurance pays for damages regardless of who is at fault. In theory, it makes it easier for the injured to get timely medical care. Rather than waiting until the insurance companies decide who is at fault and how much is to be paid to the victim, your PIP covers your injuries and related medical costs up to the limit of the policy. Still, there are restrictions of which you need to be aware.

Know Your Policy

Your PIP will only pay a certain amount for your medical expenses if your expenses are greater than your coverage, you have the option to file a lawsuit against the driver at fault. Severe injuries that meet the law’s “injury threshold” are also grounds for suing.

You should also be aware that you must get your medical treatment within 14 days of the accident. In some cases, people do not have any symptoms until days or weeks after the accident. Internal injuries may not show right away; however, an examination by a qualified physician may reveal any problems.

No-Fault Insurance Coverage

A car accident can leave you in a state of chaos. Suddenly, you are injured, you have no transportation, you have doctor’s appointments, and your life is in disarray. Your no-fault insurance is used to cover medical treatment and related expenses. If you need childcare while you attend doctor’s appointments or physical therapy, your insurance will cover the expense, as long as it is related to the accident. Wages are covered if your injuries result in you missing time from work.

It is crucial to keep track of all your accident-related expenses. Any costs you incur as a result of injuries related to the accident need to be documented. Be sure to hold on to all your receipts.

Expenses related to injuries from an accident are often over and above the limits of PIP. Fortunately, you do have recourse in this situation. Tison Law Group in Tampa, FL, offers personal injury law services for individuals who meet the injury threshold or whose medical expenses are more than their PIP payout. If you need legal assistance with your case, contact us by phone or via email and schedule your free initial consultation.

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