When a Doctor Needs a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Doctors must meet many requirements to obtain and maintain their medical license. In Florida, regulations on health care professionals, especially physicians, are strict when it comes to criminal convictions. A criminal conviction, even one that does not interfere with or affect their profession, can cost a doctor their medical license. Any doctor who is charged with a crime should hire a criminal defense lawyer who also understands the consequences that a conviction or entry into a diversion program can have on their medical license.
Florida Statutes for Doctor Licensing
The Florida Statutes outline the requirements for health care professionals to obtain and retain their medical license in the state. If a doctor is convicted of a crime, they can face losing their license to practice medicine. According to Florida Statute § 456.0635, the following crimes may result in a revocation or denial of a medical license:
- Conviction of a felony for possession in the last five years
- Conviction of a third-degree felony in the last ten years
- Conviction of a first or second-degree felony in the last fifteen years
- Failing to report any criminal conviction or entry into a diversion program
These crimes may not involve medical practice – they could be a DUI or auto accident charge, or a possession of illegal drugs. If a doctor is charged with any crime, they need to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Crimes involving medical care can be even stricter; there are specific rules regarding health care fraud. Even an allegation of health care fraud or abuse or maltreatment of a patient must be reported and an administrative hearing can result in a permanent revocation of a doctor’s medical license.
Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer if You Are a Doctor
A criminal conviction, even when the crime may not seem significant, can ruin your career. It could be a moment of poor judgement when you drove under the influence, or you may find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Regardless of how or why you are charged with a crime, to protect your career as a doctor, you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer.
At Tison Law Group, we are the legal team to call when as a doctor you need a criminal defense lawyer or a professional license defense lawyer. We understand the restrictions placed on doctors in Florida and we can help defend you against criminal charges and protect your license with the Florida Board of Medicine. Contact us to schedule a consultation if you are facing criminal charges or license revocation.