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How Drug Possession in School Can Affect Your Future

Drug Possession in School

Your child being caught with a controlled substance at school may not seem like a big deal to them, but drug possession can have serious law implications for juveniles in the state of Florida. To deal with the fallout from this type of charge, you’ll need an attorney who understands these serious implications and who will help protect your child’s rights.

Drug Possession in School

If the drug possession charge leveled against your child occurred within 1000 feet of a church or a school, the penalties are much worse. The consequences of having a drug possession charge on your child’s record can be devastating for their future. A charge of possession can originate a few ways. Often, the accused might be caught red-handed with drugs and paraphernalia in their immediate possession. Other times they might be charged because of having drugs and related items found during a search of their vehicle or home. Typical drugs found in most of these arrests include marijuana, heroin, cocaine and prescription drugs that were illegally obtained.

Future Ramifications of Drug Possession in School

Kids can make bad choices that will affect them for the rest of their lives. In Florida, the difference between being charged with a felony or a misdemeanor can depend on what drug was found on them as well as the quantity. Possession of a very large quantity raises the suspicion of dealing drugs, which can bring a more serious charge. Either way, having a criminal conviction on their record, even a misdemeanor, can have serious implications for many of the normal goals that your kids will strive for as they get older.

Whether your child is a minor, still in high school or a college student, there are countless ways an early conviction can hurt them. With convictions, your child’s educational choices are more limited, which by itself can affect a future career. The challenges brought by having this type of charge can make every life goal much harder to accomplish. Some of these consequences include:

  • Jail time, resulting in further delays for training, school or job experience
  • Difficulty getting a job
  • Not eligible for loans, even for school loans
  • Ineligibility for some scholarships or college programs
  • Difficulty in renting a home
  • Bad credit rating, trouble getting a credit card
  • Ineligibility for military service
  • Difficulty in buying or renting a car
  • Impact on future child custody or adoption
  • Ineligibility for many government offices or positions

Your child might not appreciate or understand that a momentary poor choice or a bad miscommunication can cause them to suffer the consequences for decades. If you are the parent of a child with charges of drug possession in school, you need Tison Law Group to fight for your child’s rights before it’s too late.

Let us help you make sure your child doesn’t pay for a momentary indiscretion without a fight. We will lead your family through this stressful and serious situation to protect your child’s future. Don’t let another moment go by without calling us to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you protect your family.

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