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Finding an Administrative Lawyer to Help You Keep Your Job

Administrative Lawyer

Holding a professional license is an honor and opens the doors to a world of employment opportunities. However, if your fitness to hold a professional license is called into question, it can have serious implications for your career and work life in general.

It only takes a lapse in judgment or an action that potentially constitutes a crime for an agency to reconsider your right to hold a professional license. Without an administrative lawyer representing you, that career you worked so hard to carve out could prove short-lived.

Administrative Lawyer in Tampa Bay

An administrative lawyer can represent individuals in professions such as law enforcement, healthcare, education, insurance and any other area that requires that the individual holds a valid professional license. Tison Law Group’s administrative lawyers have the training and experience you need to represent you in the Tampa Bay, Florida.

Professional License Requirements

To hold a professional license, an individual is required to meet certain moral and ethical standards. While these standards are rightfully designed to protect the wider community of Tampa Bay, they do leave a lot of room for even the most seemingly innocuous actions to lead to disciplinary action from licensing agencies.

As many of the infringements which could lead to the loss of a professional license are subject to interpretation, it is important that you are represented throughout any proceedings by an accomplished administrative lawyer. At Tison Law Group, we are equipped to represent licensed professionals across a broad spectrum of industries.

Do I Need an Administrative Lawyer?

While you are free to represent yourself in any matters that may result in your license being challenged, doing so runs the risk of becoming perplexed by legal language that is not typically used in your capacity as a professional. An administrative lawyer from the Tison Law Group can bridge that gap and help ensure you receive a fair hearing, using legal arguments with the goal of you retaining your professional license.

Losing a professional license does not just impact your ability to remain in your current profession. Individuals who are qualified in a particular field may find it difficult to secure employment in similar industries once a professional license has been revoked. There are broader implications that an administrative lawyer can help you understand and work through in order to help safeguard your future career options.

Tison Law Group

If you are facing challenges to your professional license-holder status, consider reaching out to an administrative lawyer from Tison Law Group before replying to any correspondence or attending scheduled hearings. It is important to understand your rights and seek representation from a lawyer who has experience in this particular area of law.

You can call our offices today at 813-739-1776 to take advantage of a free consultation with an administrative lawyer who understands the impact that losing your license could have on your home and work life. We are committed to providing you with honesty, integrity, and excellence in our legal representation in the fight to keep your ability to practice your chosen profession in good standing in Tampa Bay and the State of Florida.

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