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Experiencing LMSI After an Accident


The American Medical Association 6th Edition defines Loss of Motion Segment Integrity, or LMSI, as a serious injury involving vertebrae that restricts range of motion or normal movement. It goes on to describe how this injury can affect other parts of the spine, compromising its efficient and comfortable movement and function.

LMSI can be associated with difficulty, discomfort and pain in the neck and other areas of the spine. It can also result in further problems with ligaments and soft tissues, and relates to a 25% impairment of the body. This is a significant injury. If it occurred because of an accident, you might be eligible for compensation.

Since an insurance company policy may not be able to cover the extensive costs of immediate treatment, recovery and future treatments for maintenance, complications and accommodations, you’ll need to seek out an experienced personal injury attorney to understand your legal options.

LMSI – Things to Consider

When pursuing compensation for LMSI injuries, there are a few things of which you need to be aware, in order to proceed with legal action properly and effectively:

  • Your claim is related to negligence – You might be able to file a personal injury claim if someone else’s negligence resulted in your accident and subsequent injury.
  • Damages you may recover vary – Many things factor into the amount of damages you may ask for: Cost and type of medical care, what medications and therapy are necessary, your expenses and lost wages relating to the accident and injury, the duration of effects from the injuries suffered.
  • Your accident must be properly documented – Whether it’s a car accident, work accident or other type of accident, having a paper trail created at the time of injury is critical for documenting the facts of your case. Call the police in the event of a vehicle accident. If at work, make sure the proper incident reports are filed. In any situation, recording the incident as soon as possible will preserve the important details that are easily overlooked or forgotten later. If you are incapable of doing this for yourself, call a trusted friend or family member to intervene for you. If necessary, give them a verbal account to copy down or record. Take photos of the environment, any vehicles or equipment involved in the accident, as well as the immediate injuries.
  • Your injury must be properly documented – Don’t wait to seek medical attention. This type of injury will usually require emergency evacuation from the site of the accident. If the injured party can choose their course of action, never opt to leave the scene without seeking medical attention immediately. Keep all emergency records and documentation. Take notes or ask for documentation from doctors’ consultations, tests and prognosis. You’ll need access to all MRI results and emergency records. Your attorney can help in this process.
  • There is a statutory limit in the State of Florida for filing a lawsuit for negligence, and in most cases it is only four years. Your recovery process will be a long one. In order to get all the documentation required, go through the appropriate legal process and to start providing for your expenses, you don’t want to waste time. Proving negligence can be a complicated process that gets harder the longer you wait. It’s often the best route to settle out of court, saving time so you can get on with your life and recovery. If your case has to go to trial, you will still need all the time and expertise you can get to see the process through.

Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is key to making sure you receive the proper compensation for your LMSI injury. Tison Law Group will walk with you every step of the way, working to prove your case and making sure your needs are addressed. Contact us right away for your free consultation.

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